Download anything that catches your eye and feel free to share with others:
- To assess how your information is shaping up, ask yourself, “Would you read it?” Try answering these questions that touch on the main plain English and clear design techniques: Plain English and Clear Design Questions
- Sometimes amusing, usually difficult to understand, but always a great learning experience, the signs of unclear language are everywhere. Here are some “before” and “after” excerpts from a variety of hard-copy and web-based projects: Principles in Action – Sample Plain Language Writing Makeover
- Sorry, no magic writing pill. But give this article series a read and it will help improve your writing immediately. Really, it will:
- Has “insurance-speak” unconsciously become your default communication style? Or maybe you’ve fallen into the “med-speak” or “tech-talk” trap. Regardless of the specific type of “corporate mumbo-jumbo,” make sure you are Avoiding the Acronyms.
- What exactly is the deal with readability formulas? Find out here: For written information, are readability formulas a quick fix?
- Is your organization’s editorial style guide just focused on the fundamentals of grammar and punctuation? What about clarity? If clear information is a priority for your organization, check out this plain English check-up for editorial style guides.
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